Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday 4/19/09

Hello Everyone,
Don is still in rehabilitation here in Greer. He has been enjoying Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy every day  He has walked with a walker a number of times and has actually walked on his own a couple of times, though he did have two people by his side just in case. The bed sores continue to heal and his speech is improving. He went into the surgeon’s office on Thursday with the expectation of having the chest tube removed but due to some residual fluid in the lung the tube still remains. Friday he had a bronchoscopy and will find out the results next week. Sandra was able to fly out and visit during spring break last week and Brett has been visiting this week for spring break. It has been a great source of encouragement for Don to have them around.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday 3/29/09

Greetings to all, Don is now in a rehabilitation center in Greer. He was transferred Thursday. It is a very new facility and the staff working there have been especially attentive to his needs. Monday he begins physical therapy and occupational therapy twice a day. He is improving daily. We look forward to seeing an increase in the rate of his recovery. We are very thankful for all the love and support everyone has given.

For we walk by faith, not by sight I Cor. 5:7

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday 3/23/09

Hey Everyone, Don is progressing every day. His kidneys and lungs are healing. He still has a chest tube that continues to drain the infection out of his lungs but he completed the antibiotics yesterday. He is very week right now so Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy work with him daily. Due to the weakness and the medications he has experienced some disorientation and therefore frustration. He so wants to get out of there. We continue to call forth the Spirit of God within Don to line his body and mind up. He will have another x-ray of his lungs Thursday to see how his lungs are doing. We are standing on Faith that he will be released to Rehab this Friday. Please continue to pray for the following:
(1) Complete restoration of his kidneys,
(2) Complete restoration of his lungs,
(3) Increase strength to his body,
(4) Continued cleansing of his blood,
(5) Protection of his mind,
(6) Peace to his soul,
(7) He will be able to move into the rehab facility this Friday,
(8) And especially thanksgiving to Papa for His presence.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday 3/15/09

Hey There,
Don is in a room of his own now. He has had a few struggles, kidneys and lungs, yet God is clearly faithful. When he left the ICU he had two chest tubes and at this time he has one which is to be removed this week. He will begin Physical Therapy two times a day Monday. Please continue to focus prayers on the following:
(1) The Spirit of God will line his mind and body up in perfect health,
(2) Renewal of his kidneys,
(3) Purification of his blood,
(4) Restoration of his heart and,
(5) Joy to his soul :).
Once again, thank you sooooo much for all the prayers and support, we have truly experienced the meaning of Koinonia. It’s amazing what our Father shows us in such a time as this.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday 3/10/09

The surgery went as expected. Thank You Papa! There were two areas on the left lung that had died, between the size of a half-dollar and a quarter. They were sewn up and expected to close as they heal. He will be in ICU while on the respirator and expected to be off that tomorrow.

Monday 3/9/09

The doctors removed the dialysis catheter Thursday, Yea. The kidney function tests have been stable till yesterday. Docs think it may be due to inadequate fluid intake so they have put him on IV fluids and will check again tomorrow. At this time he still has some remains of the pneumonia surrounding his lungs and surgery scheduled tomorrow to clean it out. He was scheduled to be released to a very good rehabilitation facility today which was close to home but that was canceled due to the need for surgery.
Please focus prayers on the following:
(1) Peace to his mind,
(2) Restful sleep,
(3) Complete healing & renewal of his kidneys,
(4) Complete healing & renewal of his lungs,
(5) Wisdom and precision for doctors,
(6) The room at the rehabilitation facility to remain available when he is released from the hospital. Thanks again for all the prayers and support.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday 3/4/09

Hey Everyone, Sorry for not blogging for a few days. Don is giving the medical staff much grief. He’s ready to leave the hospital and has attempted to persuade several folks to help him break out. He is working with Physical Therapy every day. This will speed up his release. At this time he doesn’t have the strength to get out of bed. The Spirit is willing, but his body needs to line up. We continue to speak complete restoration to his kidneys. I was finally able to speak with the doctors today. They were encouraged to see his kidneys doing much better than a week ago. He has not been on dialysis since Saturday. His kidney functions are still not in the normal range. Labs are drawn daily to decide whether or not to perform dialysis. Thank you soooooo much for all your love, support and prayers. WE WILL TAKE THIS MOUNTAIN AS ONE!!!!! :)